The Big McCain

The Big Lebowski is the ultimate guy movie. Every guy who wants to keep his guy status has to watch it and frankly if you can’t quote a few lines from the movie you are suspect even if you have seen it. And if you are a gal who wants to understand guys you need to watch this movie. It probably won’t help, but at least you will recognize the quotes when they say them.

This video above is a take-off from one of the scenes of the movie and contains very strong language.

Plus, The Dude’s Song.

You don’t know who The Dude is?


Maybe this will help.

If you still don’t understand rent the movie because The Dude would not be pleased.

Let The Fun Begin


I’ve been thinking about this tragic loss for a whole day now and I guess I have come to grips with it. Mostly because there is nothing I can do about it, but also because, well, there is nothing I can do about it.

What is, is.

I do know that it feels like a tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I don’t have to worry about it any more. Barry is going to be president, do his damage and hopefully – I hate that word now – America will survive whatever he does.

If we are lucky the worst thing he will do is raise our taxes. And I mean all our taxes, not just on the “rich.” (Unless you don’t pay taxes, which 45% of Americans don’t – you guys get a check paid for by the rest of us).

Anyway, that we can live with temporarily. They can be lowered. And they ultimately will be because revenues to the government will drop with tax hikes. They always do.

Unfortunately, things that we can’t live with are a weaker military, liberal judges, and the nationalization of major industries like health care and the rest of the banking industry. Oh, and the destruction of free speech by bringing back the Fairness Doctrine (say goodbye to talk radio) and the banning of the secret ballot in union voting. Those things are gonna sting and badly. These, too, can be undone, but it will take a long time and some of the damage may be irreversible.

The good news is that Barry has made so many promises that he cannot possibly keep that he will quickly disappoint and anger all the unicorn and marshmallow cloud-believing fools who voted him in.

Their mood change will be fun to watch indeed.

And the media. The Barry-worshiping media. For the first few months – maybe a year – they will continue to help him any way they can. Suddenly the economy will no longer be a “crisis” and what was bad under Bush will be good under Barry. No hard questions. No “revealing national secrets” front page stories at the New York Times. Almost overnight. Watch for it. So too, our foreign policy, even though Barry will not bring the troops home as soon as he promised. Circumstances change, don’t you know. And the media will back him all the way.

But after the honeymoon. Oh, after the honeymoon they will turn on him and hard. First, because controversy sells and they are no less about profit than the “greedy” oil industry, and secondly because he will disappoint them, too. And they will be pissed about it. But mostly because they have lost ALL credibility with their behavior during this election and they will desperately seek to regain some of it by trying to balance the books. Let them do it, of course, but they are fools if they think it will work. No one believes them now. No one ever will again.

Hollywood? Suddenly Hollywood will become patriotic again and movies will reflect that. The only question I have is what will all those moronic stars do with their time now that they don’t have Bush to blame for everything. Where will all that hatred go?

The same thing goes for all the Bush-haters out there. What will these people do with their lives now that they have no goal? Rabid dogs that have finally caught that car they have been chasing for eight long years. Their loss of a goal accompanied by their disappointment in Barry will be like sweet nectar to me and other conservatives. I say bring it on.

Of course there will be calls for the investigation of war crimes of Bush and Cheney and others. These Bush-haters won’t give up their ghost easily or quickly. But if the Democrats are smart they will ignore these. Certainly Barry will urge them to do so. He will have enough problems without all that nonsense. So I imagine Bush will fade into retirement and rest a while, and then in a few years, when Barry’s Administration is long gone and forgotten, he will roll-out again, a senior statesman and much beloved for his liberation of Iraq and the war on terror if nothing else. Never as well-respected as Reagan. Who will be? But certainly more so than he is now. His success and happiness in later life will be his sweetest revenge on those who worked so hard to destroy him

And what of Sarah Palin and John McCain?

Well, Sarah should go home and do a good job as governor and then get re-elected in two years. She should learn from her mistakes – few that there were – and get as much foreign policy experience as a governor can get, and then she should come back on the national scene in 2012 or 2016. Either as a presidential candidate or perhaps as the newest senator from Alaska when a seat opens up. She has so much talent and potential. Expect her to be a player for years.

And McCain. Well, this honorable man still has much to give to his country and I am sure he will give it freely and happily. The one thing he must NOT do, however, is kiss the butts of the Democrats. This reaching across the aisle crap has to stop. With only the filibuster between us and a socialist America, now isn’t the time to be weak. Republicans must stand up. They must hold the line. Remember, dissent was patriotic under the Bush Administration and it is no less patriotic now, no matter how they try to label it racist and divisive.

And they will. Be assured of that. Barry’s election was supposed to heal these racial wounds and prove once and for all that racism, if not gone, is certainly not the demon it once was, but the people in power who have built their entire careers on race-baiting will not let it go without a fight. There’s power in making people angry and dependent on you and power is what these people crave.

Conservatives, under the Republican banner, must now look at the way they have done things and make changes. They must go back to those conservative principles that Reagan championed and sell them to the people. They must convince blacks and Latinos that the opportunity for success is sweeter than dependency on government. It won’t be easy, but convince them they must or all is lost.

It’s doable. And if the country is to be saved it must be done.

Finally, as to my blog. I am going to keep blogging of course. I have to. I enjoy it too much and I have too much to say. I will just have to be very careful in how I do it. But one thing I realized is that this election has freed me a bit. I don’t have to be angry any longer and I think my few readers will notice a change in my tone. For the better. I can just have fun making fun of Barry and the Democrats. And there is so very much to make fun of. And so much more coming our way.

It is liberating in a way.

I’m even sort of looking forward to it.

Go figure.

President Barack Hussein Obama


God, that sucks. Nothing to do about it now. I want to wish him well and I do as far as him doing well means that the USA does well, but otherwise I hope he fails miserably. And I expect he will do miserably indeed.

Carter redux. Only worse because he will not only be incompetent, but also corrupt and a full blown socialist to boot.

I am very depressed. I haven’t paid enough attention to the Senate races to know if we kept a filibuster-proof Senate, but if we didn’t we are not just screwed, we are royally screwed.

God Help The United States Of America.

And with that I am done with politics. Gotta find something else to talk about. Suggestions?

As a closing I don’t give a rat’s tush about the “historical significance” of a black person being elected president. The man is a fricken socialist and this is a serious blow to the great experiment that is the United States of America. Maybe a death-blow. THAT is what is of historical significance. That is what matters. The other is just bullshit.

I’m Watching The Election Results


And drinking while I am doing it. Whether I will be a happy drunk or a sad one I have no clue, but drunk I will be.

As an aside, I am not expecting McCain to win despite my bravado in earlier posts. I am hoping he will, yes, but resigned to the possibility (probability) that he will not.

“Hope.” A word I used to love but which now makes me ill. That and “change.” Two very good words which have been ruined for me now no matter who wins this thing. Like the word “gay” which used to mean you were happy and carefree and now means you want to share the same wardrobe. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” ~ Jerry Seinfeld

Anyway, I will be drunk-blogging it here with updates as the evening progresses. If my grammar and spelling race downhill please blame it on the booze. I will also probably post lots of photos of hot brunettes as I go along to ease my pain (if there is any) or increase my joy (if there is any of that).

Stay tuned.

UPDATE 5:32pm:

By the way, I am starting to use Google Reader to surf my favorite blogs. I have added most of them but a few of you cannot be added because you don’t have a feed, whatever the hell that means. And since I desperately want to “feed” off of you do something about that, okay? If in doubt, make sure your blog allows “feeds,” which I take means places like Google Reader picks them up.

UPDATE 5:48pm:

A couple broke up because of the election. Just as well, I am sure she wanted a guy who was, you know, a real man . . . wink, wink. Pussy. Him, not her.

UPDATE 5:50pm:

Pay no attention to the exit polls. They are crap. Didn’t I tell you that before? I know I did.

UPDATE 6:00pm:


Hat-tip to Theo Spark.

UPDATE 6:30pm:

Nothing to do with the election, but the wives of British soldiers put together an pin-up calendar. I think some of the wives of our military members should do the same thing here.

UPDATE 6:37pm:

Tennessee was called for McCain a while ago. Eh, whatever else happens I did my fricken part.

UPDATE 6:41pm:

Big fools if you voted for this:


UPDATE 6:44pm:

Bigger fools if you didn’t vote for this:


UPDATE 7:01:

This is what is keeping me interested so far this evening.


UPDATE 7:13pm:

ABC and NBC are calling PA for Obama. With only exit polls. I really hate those jerks. I mean both ABC and NBC and the PA Catholics who voted for Obama.

UPDATE 7:20:

The upside of an Obama win is there won’t be any riots.

UPDATE 7:24pm:

It’s not looking good for McCain. All the exit polls are showing Obama ahead. Then again, most if not all of them showed Kerry ahead of Bush in 2004.

UPDATE 8:28pm:

Looks like an Obama win. I quit paying attention. All hail our new Democratic Overlords.

UPDATE 8:50pm:

McCain may barely be winning VA. Let’s hope.

UPDATE 9:16pm:

I am still here but not much to report. Sorry.

UPDATE 9:22pm:

I wonder what the dollar will do with an Barry win?


UPDATE 8:45pm:

Fox says Obama wins Virginia. Not good. Probably over. Life sucks.

UPDATE 10:07pm:

Barry has probably won. God help the United States of America.

UPDATE 10:29pm:

My time anyway. Fox News calls election for Barry. I guess it is over. God we are so fucked. Yeah, I will have a job tomorrow and yeah life will go on for a while but . . . taxes will be higher for everyone who pays taxes – everyone – and we will socialize more of our economy and our national security will be less secure because we will appease terrorists and Iran will probably get nukes which will mean we are screwed and we will have more people dependent on the government which is what Democrats want.

Election Day


Pay no attention to the exit polls during the day. They will be purposefully rigged towards the Democrats and the main stream media will report them with the enthusiasm of the Second Coming of Christ. Which is not far from what they believe.  Just go vote and encourage those friends and co-workers of yours who are McCain people to go vote as well.

Win or lose the main event we have to put in a good showing so these socialists can not claim a mandate – which they will anyway, but at least not with a straight face. We also have to insure a 40-plus GOP Senate so we can at least slow down the coming Democratic disaster.

The future of our great nation is at stake.

Oh and a note to Senator McCain. IF THINGS ARE LOOKING BAD DO NOT GIVE UP TOO SOON!! Tonight is not the time to be gracious. Fight for every damn vote. You can reach across the aisle after you are elected. Until then, fight for America.

Just For The Fun Of It

It’s not remotely scientific of course, but as far as I can tell neither are any of the other polls. I expect that Ed, being the liberal he is, will vote several times so I have weighted it accordingly.

A Request From John McCain

My Friend,

From the time I entered the Naval Academy at age seventeen I have been privileged and honored to serve my country.

Throughout my years of service, I’ve been faced with challenges where I could have taken the easy way out and given up. But I’m an American and I never give up. Instead, I choose to show courage and stand up and fight for the country I love. Today, I am asking you to stand with me and to fight for our country’s future.

Our country faces enormous challenges and our next president must be ready to lead on day one. My lifetime of experience has prepared me to lead our great nation. I’m prepared to bring solutions to our economic challenges, bring our troops home in victory and improve our nation’s healthcare system.

Time and time again, my country has saved my life and I owe her more than she has ever owed me. I have chosen to show my gratitude through a life of service to our country and tomorrow, you will have a choice before you.

I humbly ask you to make the choice that will allow me to serve my country a little while longer by casting your vote to elect me as your next President of the United States.

Finally, I ask that you never forget that much has been sacrificed to protect our right to vote. We must never forget those Americans who, with their courage, with their sacrifice, and with their lives, have protected our freedom. It is my great hope that you will exercise your right to vote as an American tomorrow.

I thank you for your kind support, your dedication to our cause, and most importantly I thank you for your vote.

With sincere appreciation,

John McCain

Hat-tip to Ace.

What To Expect Tomorrow

From Ace of Spades.

(All times Eastern)

1am: Overnight (11pm local time) McCain rally in Prescott, AZ.

6am: Polls begin opening for Election Day proper. Check your local jurisdiction for times.

~9am: Evidence of Election Day voter fraud by Dems (rigged machines, slashed tires, etc. etc.) starts trickling in. Media ignores it.

~Noon-2pm: First leaked exit polls purporting to show Obama up by 99 points in every state east of the Mississippi. Ace freaks out again. Axelturfers flood in.

1:45pm: Election Day morning (11:45am local time) McCain rally in Grand Junction, CO.

~3-5pm: Various and probably conflicting reports on turnout appear on teh internets. Ace has enough chemical assistance to calm down a bit.

~5-7pm: More baloney rumors of polls, exit polls, and projections. (Remember Zogby’s 5pm call of a 311EV Kerry win?)

6pm: Polls begin to close in IN and KY (not completely, however).

7pm: Polls close completely in IN, KY, VA, SC, and GA. Media, based on horribly inaccurate exit polling and total bias, immediately calls Virginia for Obama.

(Note: If they immediately call Virginia for McCain, in all likelihood the race is over and we’ve won. Check the anchors’ complexions… And if they start talking about how we’re all racist.)

~7-9pm: Stories of long lines, disorder, and other excuses to keep polls open way late in urban areas of MO, OH, and other states appear. Media ignores cover for obvious fraud.

7:30pm: Repeat of 7pm with OH, WV, and NC. Again, in the unlikely event the nets are forced to call Ohio for McCain this early, it’s over.

8pm: Repeat of 7pm with a whole bunch of states including PA, FL, and MO.

~9-10:30pm: Actual numbers (counted, not polled) start coming in for these early states. We begin to learn what’s actually going on.

9:30pm: Obama’s Grant Park riot rally officially opens its doors. Hundreds of thousands of shambling Obots rendezvous outside for worship, rage, and braaaaaaaaaaaaaains.

11pm: Last polling places in contiguous 48 states close. I’m already either really drunk (happily or miserably) or out of nails to chew off or both.

Bottom line: Don’t forget that a shitstorm of bad data is going to be flung out by the media, Axelturfers, and Eeyores tomorrow. Don’t trust anything you hear, good or bad, until real counts start to appear. Drive McCain supporters to the polls, and do any other GOTV that your local office has planned.

So take heart. Do not let the main stream media’s attempt to dampen down the conservative vote get to you. Exit polls are CRAP. In fact, don’t even watch it until the polls close. If you’re in a battleground state go help get out the vote AFTER you have voted.

We can win this thing.


Three things the Obamedia will do to depress Republican turnout and help Obama. Check it out so you know what they are doing tomorrow.

Either That Or He Is Picking That Nasty Recurring Cold Sore

Here’s a video of Barry shooting the bird at McCain. If you recall he did the same thing to Hillary during the primary campaign as evidenced by this next video.

It doesn’t mean a thing, past Barry having the temperament of an spoiled, angry toddler, but I wanted to post it so Ed can have an opportunity to say that is not what he is doing even though he knows damn well it is what he is doing.

What a low-class man he is. Barry, not Ed, just to be clear.

Azeroth – Red Or Blue

A couple of things about this video. First, politics does get discussed quite often in game and you would be amazed at how many conservatives play this game considering most of the players are young. In other words, there’s still hope for America’s youth. Secondly, to me the higher ratings of the Obama supporters reflects their almost cult-like adoration of him instead of the more reality-based conservative opinions of McCain. The gal players in this video were giggling like schoolgirls watching the guy from High School Musical. It would be amusing if it weren’t so creepy.

As to whether Barry’s win here IG (in-game) translates into a win for him in RL (real life), well, I wouldn’t get too excited about that, because Horde players will be sleeping-in all day after playing all night and Alliance players will be trying to do as many quests and winning as many battlegrounds as possible before the Horde players wake-up.

Plus, if it’s raidin’ time, RL doesn’t exist, election or not.

Here’s a quickie version of the Southpark take on World of Warcraft. Warning, dirty language.

College Newspapers Favor Obama Over McCain 63 to 1

The one being the Daily Mississippian at my Alma Mater, the University of Mississippi.

I knew there was a reason I went there. We don’t graduate lemmings.

As an aside, Jonah Golberg, who brought this to my attention in this post, is taking some heat from mostly liberal readers about his mockery of college newsies.

I am simply astounded by how seriously so many — mostly angry liberal readers — take college newspaper endorsements and/or my tepid mockery of same. In fairness, one point I think has some merit is that such one-sidedness is a small sign of the trouble the GOP is in viz a viz young educated voters in the near future. But, folks, it an’t some huge cosmic omen. I’m sure Reagan did better than John McCain did among college newspapers in 1980, but I’d be surprised if he did that much better. And again, whatever his showing, it was a lagging not leading indicator.

Indeed, for every spoonful of merit to the idea that college newspapers are the future, there’s a trowel of merit to the point I was trying to make: Obama is the flavor of the moment and college newspaper editors are as prone to faddishness as college kids generally. I find it hilarious how much respect many readers have for the intellectual chops of these kids. Having been to dozens of campuses this year alone, let me tell you that college newspaper workers (I was an editor myself) are not a superior breed of student. Some are impressive. Many aint. Most are just younger versions of grown-up journalists, only more liberal, more self-important, more emotional and more resentful that people don’t care enough about what they have to say.

There are few things more annoyingly self-important than politically involved college students*, although it is a fact that the liberal kind are more self-important by a factor of, what’s the symbol for infinity again? Mostly because contrary to the media-driven belief, conservatives are much more open to other ideas and the open debate of those ideas than liberals. And, of course, this liberal self-importance is magnified by the cockiness, naivete, and self-righteousness of youth, but also because they are egged-on by their predominately liberal professors.

Although it doesn’t specifically say so, I firmly believe Liberal Indoctrination 101 is a prerequisite before Journalism 101 (and many other classes I am sure).

An anecdotal example of this is the recent dopping of World History by my middle son, now a sophomore in college. Almost half-way through the semester he calls us to tell us he is going to drop the class and when we question him as to why (he is an excellent student), he tell us his professor is not teaching World History, but “rabid feminism,” in the form of constantly bashing men and reciting feminist poems in every class. He said he was getting good grades up until he submitted a paper arguing a man’s point of view and since then his grades have dropped and he is certain he will not pass the class.

We let him drop, not because I didn’t think he could get his grades back up but because I didn’t want to submit him to that kind of crap for the rest of the semester from a Phil Donahue clone (Yes, his instructor is a guy.)

Anyway, while my son’s situation doesn’t have anything specifically to do with college newspapers and the students who run them – he is a music major – it does have something to do in general with the way our young men and women are being shaped when we send them off to college.

I am a college graduate and much like my heroine, Sarah Palin, I attended three different colleges before I graduated in five years. And during that time I do not remember being taught anything but what was supposed to be the subject of the class. History was history, geography was geography and the one Women’s Studies class I took was, indeed about women. (It wasn’t a great class, even more so because I didn’t get one date out of it.)

But now it seems all majors, save for perhaps the hard sciences, are taught by liberals who spend much of their classroom instruction trying to convert students to their various causes.

And journalism is certainly one of those majors.

So to expect many college newspapers, run and staffed by liberal students who are taught and mentored by liberal professors (and in most cases selected for the jobs), to endorse, or even talk respectfully about, any conservative candidate borders on belief in unicorns and leprechaun gold at the end of rainbows.

Now not that I am not saying these young men and women are not smart. As Mr. Goldberg says, some are impressive, and I am sure that when they graduate and get jobs in the media they will be as objective as, say anyone at the LA Times or the New York Times.

Assuming they aren’t blogging in their pajamas like me, which, what with the dire financial situation of newspapers these days, is certainly a possibility.

* I should say that I think it is wonderful if students are politically involved. It’s just their often-adopted self-importance that is annoying. Especially when it is quite often based on emotion and “fadism” (is that a word?) instead of fact and logic.

Something Positive

For Ed.  About John McCain.

Lowering The Middle Class

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, a spokesman for the Obama campaign and a guy who has been trying his hardest to get a cabinet position in Barry’s Administration (but who probably just screwed that up big time), just lowered the middle class from $250,000 to $120,000.

For the second time in a week, a prominent Democrat has downgraded Barack Obama’s definition of the middle class — leading Republicans to question whether he’ll stick to his promise not to raise taxes on anyone making under $250,000.

The latest hiccup in the campaign message came Friday morning on KOA-AM, when New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson pegged the middle class as those making $120,000 and under.

“What Obama wants to do is he is basically looking at $120,000 and under among those that are in the middle class, and there is a tax cut for those,” Richardson said in the interview, according to a clip posted on YouTube.

Now see with my Air Force annuity that places me well within the “gonna see higher taxes next year” category, along with I don’t know how many millions of Americans.

Now I hate to get all angry, as Ed describes me, but, well, this pisses me off. They know they cannot fund their socialist programs on the tax cuts they promised, so basically they are going to have to cut back on those programs as Barry has warned his followers he will probably have to do or raise taxes on everyone, which anyone with half a brain knew Barry was going to do anyway.

My guess is they do both. No, not a guess . . . I know they will do it.

So, again at the risk of appearing angry, let me say that we just have to make sure that this guy does not get elected.

The good news here is people still have time to realize Barry is a liar and vote accordingly.

Vote McCain!!

The Number One Video On YouTube

I’ve posted this before, but it’s worth posting again. Barry and the Dems aren’t talking about the Iraq War much these days and that’s because they were on the wrong side of this the whole time. They know it even though they won’t admit it, and because they know that it hurts their chances in the election they avoid talking about it. As does the MSM, who had no problem talking about it when we were having a tough time over there. Now that it’s all but won, not so much.

And Barry is still wrong about it and won’t admit his wrongness.

It’s shameful.

Vote McCain!

What, No Change?

Looks like Barry is swimming backward just a bit.

Barack Obama’s senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins next week’s election, amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harboring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve.

The sudden financial crisis and the prospect of a deep and painful recession have increased the urgency inside the Obama team to bring people down to earth, after a campaign in which his soaring rhetoric and promises of “hope” and “change” are now confronted with the reality of a stricken economy.

One senior adviser told The Times that the first few weeks of the transition, immediately after the election, were critical, “so there’s not a vast mood swing from exhilaration and euphoria to despair.”

The aide said that Obama himself was the first to realize that expectations risked being inflated.

In an interview with a Colorado radio station, Obama appeared to be engaged already in expectation lowering. Asked about his goals for the first hundred days, he said he would need more time to tackle such big and costly issues as health care reform, global warming and Iraq.

“The first hundred days is going to be important, but it’s probably going to be the first thousand days that makes the difference,” he said. He has also been reminding crowds in recent days how “hard” it will be to achieve his goals, and that it will take time.

“I won’t stand here and pretend that any of this will be easy — especially now,” Obama told a rally in Sarasota, Florida, yesterday, citing “the cost of this economic crisis, and the cost of the war in Iraq.” Obama’s transition team is headed by John Podesta, a Washington veteran and a former chief-of-staff to Bill Clinton. He has spent months overseeing a virtual Democratic government-in-exile to plan a smooth transition should Obama emerge victorious next week.

The plans are so far advanced that an Obama Cabinet has been largely decided upon, with the expectation that most of his senior appointments could be announced shortly after election day.

Why won’t it be easy, Barry? Chances are if you win you will still have Congress and perhaps even a filibuster-proof Democratic Senate in your pocket. With that kind of power you can do anything. At least that is what you have been selling the past year or so.

Hope and Change. Isn’t that pretty much your entire platform?

And now you are telling us not to get our hopes up because change may be a while in coming.

No shit, Sherlock.

This might be news to your Kool Aide-drinking supporters, but the rest of America has known this all along.

This Obama fan, for example, is going to be seriously disappointed I think.

I wouldn’t throw away that mortgage coupon-book just yet, sweetie. And you might want to keep that city bus pass handy too.

Fact is, our country faces serious challenges and we need a serious person to deal with them.

Barry is not that person.


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