The Tactical Corset


This is just the best thing I have ever seen in my whole life.

For too long, women have had to compromise practicality for beauty. Men got pants with cargo pockets and built-in knee pads, women got clothes whose only built-in feature was cuteness. But why should men get all the high-speed low-drag tactical toys?

Tactical gear is no longer an all boys club. Tactical Corsets bring female operators MILSPEC features like MOLLE modular pouch attachment webbing and self-adjustable quick-release buckles in a load-bearing carrier designed to support the female form. And we’re just getting started.

Tactical Corsets are now available for custom order. More details on styles, sizing, materials and more is coming soon.

Hat-tip to Prudence Ponder who evidently has a plethora of corsets. Don’t you just love that word. Plethora. I do. Almost as much as I love a woman who has a plethora of corsets.

Oh yeah, be safe out there gals.



1. Democrats are warning health care lobbyists NOT to meet with Republicans. As Gabriel says at Ace of Spades, “Apparently, even talking to Republicans cannot be tolerated in Obama’s America.”

2. The National Organization for Women puts Letterman in his place for making a joke about raping a 14 year old girl. Good to hear. Now if only they would only tell all liberals to lay off the sexist crap when talking about women, especially Sarah Palin who, I hope anyway, will be running in 2012. Of course, that won’t happen because if they did that their arsenal would be pretty empty.

3. Democrats not so hot on Cap and Trade? Good, now if they will only stop this socialized health care we might have a chance at saving our nation.

4. Everyday normal Republicans. A video that for some reason won’t post on my blog. Click on over and watch it – it’s funny and so very true.

5. Let the Boomers die. The solution to the health care cost issue.

6. Why Letterman say what he says about the Palins. Man, that’s gonna leave a mark. As an aside, the reference is to this movie, which is great.

7. John Wayne is the United States of America. I missed this yesterday on the 30th anniversary of his death, but better late than never. He was the greatest and they don’t even make them close to him anymore, much less like him.

8. Obama moves terrorists from Gitmo to Bermuda. I wonder if they will add that wonderful attraction to the cruise brochures?



I’ve been trying-out this new search engine, Bing, and I like it. It’s fast as hell – noticeably faster than Google – and I like the results better.   And it seems you can download images to your computer which for some reason you can no longer do from Google if you use Firefox.

Plus I have always loathed Google’s politics so I am hoping I won’t have to use it anymore.  Let’s just hope Google doesn’t make it an offer it can’t refuse and buy them out.

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