The President Of The United States Of America Just Called The United States Of America A Muslim Country


Whew, well at least he didn’t call it a Christian nation because that would have been really bad.

HAHN, Germany — As President Obama prepared to leave Washington to fly to the Middle East, he conducted several television and radio interviews at the White House to frame the goals for a five-day trip, including the highly-anticipated speech Thursday at Cairo University in Egypt.

In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Obama noted that the United States also could be considered as “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” He sought to downplay the expectations of the speech, but he said he hoped the address would raise awareness about Muslims.

I have to ask my few liberal readers . . . does this bother you at all? Because I have to say, it bothers the crap out of me.

First of all, we are not a Muslim country in any way, shape, form or fashion. Not even close both in terms of the number of  citizens who happen to be Muslim or in terms of Islam having anything significant to do with our society either historically (or currently except concerning the threat that radical Islam poses to our national security) .   I’m not saying we have to go around touting ourselves as a Christian nation, although as anyone knows our society is based on Judea-Christian tenets, but is it necessary to tell a lie an obvious lie in order to gain the acceptance of Islam?  Something that is probably never going to happen by the way no matter how much we bow down and kiss butt.  In fact, it does the opposite.  It emboldens the more radical elements of Islam because they know they now a weak sister when they see one.

No, this was a moronic thing to  say.  Gaining us nothing with Muslims abroad and losing our President even more support here at home.

Wait, that second part isn’t that bad a thing really.  Hmmmm.



1. Kids were having sex in the staircases. I blame liberal education policy and this seems to confirm my theory. Of course, if you have another theory, feel free let me know.

2. Our President has Muslim roots? First I heard of it. During the campaign he was 100% Christian. Amazing how much he has changed since then.

3. Most Americans are not interested in nationalized health care. Not that it matters because Obama and the more leftist Democrats don’t care what we want. They know if they don’t pass it now they may never have another chance because frankly I don’t see Obama getting a second term.

4. Taking our used cars? Man, when it comes to clinging to things I would say old cars are number three behind bibles and guns. Again, one term is what I see in his future.

5. No statement by the President on the shooting of the Army recruiters by a Muslim terrorist. Yet he stated he was shocked by the killing of the abortion doctor. Priorities.

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