“The War On Jerks”

Where the real winners may just be the women who are waiting back here at home.

On the battlefield of love, I’m a decorated five-star general, navigating the endless minefield of jerks with the attitude of Patton and the skill of Napoleon (or, some might say, Rommel). I worked my way up in the ranks, took some enemy fire, and have the purple hearts to prove it. But over the course of this journey, I believe that I have figured out why military men make the best dating prospects:

She goes on to explain the reasons for her attraction to military men, which include commitment, accountability, and bravery among others. And she has a point, although with my being a former military man I do confess some bias when I say so.

That’s not to say that military men are the perfect choice for dating or marriage. Heaven knows that the challenges of choosing a military boyfriend or husband are real and often times unfathomable to the average gal, but I think if you ask most military girlfriends/wives they will say the rewards are more than worth the cost.  And military men are still men with all their many faults so there is surely no guarantee of happiness with one, although there is certainly a guarantee of a roller coaster ride of excitement which is not a bad thing I think.

Now if you look at the typical Hollywood depiction of a military guy or veteran, you would probably assume that he is a deeply flawed and possibly unhinged and dangerous person.   The result of unjust wars forced on him by unscrupulous Republican politicians (because only Democrat politicians go for just wars).  Destined to live out his life in Agent Orange-induced (or depleted uranium-induced in the case of the Iraq war) psychotic delusions where he attempts to strangle his girl in the middle of the night shouting “Abdula you killed my buddy, you bastard” at the top of his lungs.

The fact that the vast majority – and I mean vast – of active duty military members and veterans are not negatively affected by their combat service  to any meaningful degree doesn’t mean a thing to those liberals who hate the military and who, as a result of that hatred, continue to portray them in that way. It suits their pre-determined mindset and liberal agenda too well to worry about the truth.  Which wouldn’t matter one bit if it didn’t beat that image into the minds of Americans who don’t know better, including women who are looking for a decent guy to date/marry.

Still some women are too smart to buy into that warped fairy tale and they, like this gal, realize that maybe these men are indeed some of the  best  that America has to offer to the women of America.

Which is good news for those gals who are smart enough to jump on the thrill ride that is a military guy.

BTW, the same thing goes for the women serving in the military.  Especially the thrill ride part – he he.


Good news for military men thinking of marriage.


Hat-tip to My[confined]Space.

Still More Stolen Footage

Of me.

As an aside, I am getting many emails from women throwing themselves at me now.  Who woulda thought?




Roll your eyes all you want, you know you love it when I post this stuff.

Hat-tip to Mostly Safe For Work once again.

And You Thought Ass Sticking To Vinyl Was A Bad Thing


From Mostly Safe For Work.

After All These Years

Well, five years that is – on three different blogs – two of which are as defunct as General Motors soon will be.

Anyway, after all these years, you gals get to see what I look like via this super-secret home video that was somehow stolen from under my stained mattress by the Ninja-Clown posse at The Hostages while I was passed-out on my nightly combo of Jager and Old Milwaukee.   How they found it under all the porn mags I have no idea.

Now you see why I am anonymous. Loving wife couldn’t handle the crowds of women storming the house for a taste of Teh TRO.

BTW, when I find the Hostage who stole my fricken watch I’m gonna kick his ass.  Or if it is a hot gal I am gonna threaten her with lovemaking until she cries out for help.


My Sister Says I Am Not Posting Enough

bta-23And that I am posting too many pictures of naked women.  Well, she’s right about the lack of posting, but I’ve been traveling and busy so I have an excuse.  But as to the naked women part she is wrong.

First, there is no way anyone can post too many pictures of naked women.  It’s just not possible.  But also none of the women I post are naked.   Half-naked yes, but not naked which you can thank my mother for because if she did not read my blog they would be all naked let me tell you.

Anyway, I am home for two days and then I head back up north for another week.  Just long enough to wash some clothes, mow some grass, tickle the wife,  and with a little luck sit by the pool for one day of sunshine and margartias.

Oh, and I’ll try to post some today and tomorrow.   I’m not sure about what, but half-naked women are a definite possibility.

H/T to Theo for the half-naked woman.

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