Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean People Aren’t Out To Get You


My friend, Ed, laughed about my paranoia over the left hunting down and punishing folks who had the audacity to patriotically dissent with The Won.

Well, Ed, laugh no more.

A site dedicated to the preservation of truth, justice and the American way. Where true American citizens can monitor and report all anti-obama activities taking place on the world wide web.
This is a place where one can post and report on all activities, web sites and or blogs that would be considered erroneous, slanderous or detrimental to the newly elected President of the United States.

There are those who go under the disguise of patriotism who seek to undermine the President by reporting false allegations as truth and there by starting a incendiary viral campaigns based on lies and innuendo.

This site is dedicated to exposing all of them. Bringing those guilty of playing with the fire of deceitful comments out of their secret little lairs, the forums where they think they are safe to discuss their hate mongering and racist ways and expose them to the light of day for all the public to see.

They are extremely scared of this, so please for the sake of the American way, join our cause and root out these sites and post them for all the world to see.

This guy is correct about one thing. What he is doing is scary.  But then again fascism usually is.

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