When Are You Going To Get?

That the pictures don’t always have anything to do with the post

1. Bill Ayers, School Reformer. Jeeze, I know public schools suck but I don’t think blowing them up is the answer.

2. Does anyone think Obama is a secret left-wing radical? Well, only in the “Clay Aiken was secretly gay” sense I think. In other words he is, but it ain’t much of a secret After all, he was, it appears, a member of the New Socialist Party a while ago. More on Barry’s membership in the NSP here and here. Or hell, just Google it, it’s all over the web. Just not in the main stream media.

3. Oh cool, now we all can have Guantanamo Bay Detainees in our neighborhoods. Just in time for Christmas, too.

4. Today’s poll at Theo Spark. Do you prefer smaller boobs? Guess how I voted? It’s closer than I thought it would be though.

5. More voter fraud, this time in Missouri. It’s one of them community organizing groups. You know, the ones that do good works – for Democrats. And you thought Bush stole elections. Ha.

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