Suddenly What Was Patriotic Is Now Treasonous


How predictable.  Libs screamed for eight years that dissent was the highest form of patriotism, and now that conservatives are protesting against higher taxes (versus a war when our troops are fighting it), we are suddenly domestic terrorists and traitors.

Funny thing is, conservatives don’t care what they call us. We don’t care if they say we are traitors, because we know we are not. And we don’t care if they call us domestic terrorists because, well, for one reason they have that front covered with Bill Ayers.

We don’t care if they call us fascists because frankly the only fascist behavior we see are their own sad attempts to label their opponents in an effort to shut down legitimate dissent.  Ask no questions of The One, they say, or you are “insert bad name here.”

But their years of hateful (to put it mildly) rhetoric makes it impossible for them to say these things with a straight face. No one believes them.  Hell, they don’t even believe what they say.  They are just shouting at the sky in desperation as they see their new savior bumping into furniture.

And their hypocrisy tinged with desperation is music to our ears.


  1. Thanks for the plug.

  2. Hey, any link is a good link I guess.

  3. I hear the smallest violin in the world playing in the background, is that on purpose?

    When do you think Obama is going to clear brush in his dungarees?

    Ohhh, wait, better yet!

    When do you think Obama will fly into Iraq and get a nice cool staged photo op of him getting ready to carve a plastic turkey up with the troops?

  4. How predictable. Libs screamed for eight years that dissent was the highest form of patriotism, and now that conservatives are protesting against higher taxes (versus a war when our troops are fighting it), we are suddenly domestic terrorists and traitors.

    All you got with Clinton was a balanced budget and smaller government…

    All you got with Bush was no savings in your 401k, 2 failed wars, a collapsed stock market and overall financial system as well as a housing market bust. So, you see when Liberal’s were dissenting our worst fears came true. The country got screwed.

    Now, 30 days in, all of a sudden conservatives know what works and what doesn’t

  5. Five things:

    1. The whole plastic turkey thing? It is a liberal myth. Proven wrong as many times as the myth that Bush stole the election.

    2. Secondly, we aren’t the ones crying. You guys are. You don’t like our exercising our free speech rights and you try to shut us down. It won’t work.

    3. Third, Barry doesn’t clear brush, he hangs curtains.

    This Is Making The Rounds

    4. Finally, Bush is not president any longer. Get over your BDS.

    5. My 401K didn’t take a hit until Barry was elected. But fortunately for me, I had moved the bulk of my savings over in preparation for what I knew was coming. And come it did.

  6. Oh yes . . .

    Two failed wars? You mean the one we WON in Iraq that Barry is going to continue and the one we are still fighting in Afghanistan that Barry is sending more troops to?

    Damn, that must bug the hell out of you.

    And one other thing.

    You haven’t addressed the main issue. You are labeling legitimate dissent against government as treason and terrorism. After you “patriotically dissented” for eight long years.

    Man, your backs must hurt like hell from twisting your logic that badly.

  7. I may be mistaken, but when Clinton was in office, weren’t the Republicans in control of the House and Senate???

  8. Why yes they were, Groovy. And while Bush was in charge the Democrats in the form of Barney Frank and others, were the ones who refused to listen to the GOP and do something about the mortgage mess THEY created in the first place by insisting we give loans to bad risks in the name of political correctness.

    But Libs don’t like to be reminded of any of that.

  9. Not to change the subject, but this seems as appropriate a post as any to ask: What do you know about the New American Tea Party? It seems to be a grassroots “organization” that is not centralized (I read) with a plan for April 15. Google ’em, if you want. Just got something on them tonight.

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