The Real Reasons Men Break Up With Women


Are listed here.

1. Women don’t listen. When a man says something, give him a chance to speak. Listen to what he says. The problem is that sometimes, guys will end up with someone who makes him feel as though he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. We’re not always right, but we do have opinions, and it gets under our skin when we’re made to feel like our opinion doesn’t matter. Who wants to stay with someone like that? How to Keep Your Man: Communication

2. Women listen to their friends too much. We understand the need for female friendship. We can go with the girls’ night out deal. But when you start letting your single girlfriends (who constantly run guys off, or haven’t dated since antenna TV) get into the business of your relationship, that’s asking for trouble. You want to think that your man has a mind of his own when he’s out with the guys, right? We’re no different. We expect you to talk to your girlfriends, even if it’s about us. Just be careful what you decide to bring back from those conversations.

3. The relationship is NOT a family affair. We’re not trying to take you away from your family. This is a relationship, not a kidnapping. However, if we’re mature enough to leave home and keep what goes on between us just between us, then is it too much to ask of you to do the same? If you tell your mom and your sisters about every single argument and disagreement that we have, then don’t you think that they’re not going to like us very much? Then you’ll wonder why we don’t like going around them, right?

There are seven more if you’re interested and I have to say they are pretty much on the mark, especially good ole Number 8, “Don’t you ever have anything nice to say?” Women constantly complain that men never do anything to help around the house, but also constantly complain that those same men never do anything correct, (i.e the way they do it).  Then they sit back and complain some more when their man stops doing it altogether never realizing, or worse refusing to accept, that they are the cause – or at least a major part of it.

It’s like that show Real Estate Intervention where homeowners refuse to drop their asking price of $500,00 even when better houses are barely selling for $300,000.   No matter how many times it’s pointed out to you gals you just don’t get it.  Well, many of you don’t.

Frankly I think 99% of problems that women have with men could be solved with regular positive reinforcement and a weekly surprise blow job (pretty much the same thing really).

But hey, what do I know, I’m just a man and know what I like.


How men’s and women’s brains work during an argument. Check it out.

Happy Birthday


To my mom.  Have a great day!

Something Serious

This video makes you think, and if you have children maybe tear-up a little. I have three sons and two of them are grown and it’s true every now and then I regret not being more patient with them. More understanding. Especially with my oldest who is like oil to my water on many occasions. Still I guess it’s never too late to learn and I still have time to do things better with my youngest. And even with the other two.

Hat-tip to the lovely brunette Kristina.

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